Create your social media bigger and more engaged with your audience
in order to achieve every marketing goal in your list.

Why Social Media Marketing for your business

Social media now has become one of the topmost powerful weapons for all sizes of businesses to reach more prospects and customers. The influence of social media marketing in Sri Lanka and worldwide is something that cannot be ignored when considering the best methods of developing and branding your business. Maybe your prosects are already in touch with other brands through social media. So, if you’re not directly and actively interacting with your audience through social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest you’re missing out. Creative marketing on social media can definitely bring your business amazing results and it also helps you to create a strong and recognized brand name.
A research has found that 65% of adults now rely on social media platforms majority for marketing purposes. This is almost a tenfold increase when comparing with last decade. That proves that your customers are a big part of social media and your competitors are also working hard to reach a targeted audience in optimal ways. So why you don’t?.


Why you should select Virtual 360 for social media marketing

If you can make sure that your company is engaged in social media marketing in a right and effective way that would be the best method of growing your business at a comparatively very low cost of investment. But the results are a lot more than that.
The team Virtual 360 our target is not just to provide you traditional and monotonous kind of social media marketing. Our focus is to give you the best experience of social media marketing in Sri Lanka. We concentrate on creative powerful social media strategies that will not just resonate with your audience but will also stay with them and play to what the customer is looking for from your business.
We accomplish this by initially carrying out social media marketing research and finding out where your toughest competition for social media marketing in Sri Lanka comes from. We then propose strategies that will drive traffic to your brand through social media marketing while also increasing the popularity and visibility of your brand. We also provide you with all the creative contents that you need for social media marketing.

Let’s see what’s Virtual 360’s process

Audit and analysis

We conduct a comprehensive audit and analysis for your current online and offline marketing goals, your market potential, best customers, budget available, industry competition etc.
You’ll be asked things such as,

• The purpose of marketing
• Your goals and objectives
• Marketing challenges that you have faced
• Who are your ideal customers and how you reached them?
• What are your competitive companies?
• How much you can invest on the program


Developing an effective digital marketing strategy, We optimize your social media platforms by bringing new and qualified visitors towards your site.


We’ll do,

• Optimizing social media channels
• Landing page and conversion optimization

Creating contents

• Develop compelling content we can be shared
• SEO optimized content
• Promote the contents strategically across the digital marketing landscape


Integration and implementation

• Utilize multi-channel communication
• Automated effective marketing campaigns
• Scheduling for the perfect time to reach the maximum
• Maintain a consistent engaging message and always give updates

Measure, Evaluate and Optimize

• Traffic statistics
• SEO success
• Blogging effectiveness
• Social media audience capacity and growth
• Email subscribers
